Has anyone managed to configure VS2010 to build and debug embedded projects on PIC32 microcontrollers? Are there any tutorials out there?
Using WinGDB i can connect to a gdb server to step through code from within vs2010 (have tested this compiling and debugging to a linux target).
The microchip dev tools appear to be based on a modified copy of gcc, with gdb missing, but there are third party mips compiler toolchains available with gdb. I understand that microchips debugging interface is proprietary, and unusable in this setting, but PIC32 supports JTAG debugging, and i have an amontec jtagkey 2 which is supported in openocd.
My current idea of an approach is:
- build on mips gcc under windows
- program chip with Pickit3 commandline tool
- use openocd to provide a gdb server for target device
- connect to gdb server from visual studio 2010 using winGDB