I have an app that generates web-pages as data URIs. These data URIs can be really long. I have a page that has a Data URI that is 103,828 characters long, for instance. Everything about the app works and it's no problem, it's just slightly painful to pass around urls that are 100,000 chars long :P, so I was had the wild idea of trying to use a URL shortener to shorten these URLs.
Seems like someone has written about this: http://softwareas.com/the-url-shortener-as-a-cloud-database . The author mentions character limits for popular url shortener services, and the highest seems to be tinyurl, at about 65,000 chars. Am just wondering if anyone knows of an existing solution / service that would allow shortening of such long urls (over 100,000 chars)?
Am tempted to implement my own shortener, but would like to avoid it if something exists that would allow for this.