I have a problem understanding Androids geofences.
Actual Problem: I used Enter
events from googles geofence-api, but on many devices the signal is so inaccurate that it jumps in and out a fence (jumps are greater than radius 400m often).
Planned Solution: So I want to use Dwell
to "smooth" this. If the location keeps inside a fence for a minute, dwell happens. So far so good. But how do I detect the leave of a fence? When I use Exit
, several Exit
can happen due to those signaljumps. What I need is a kind of "undwell", when I leave the geofence for more than a minute.
I want to avoid reimplementing the whole Geofence with custom logic that registers on fast repeated geo-locations and filter out small outliers.
Question: Is there something in the geofence-api to achieve an "undwell"? Or is there a best practice how to check if an Exit
is a real exit?