I am using Delphi XE2 to communicate with a fairly large SOAP service. I've successfully imported the wsdl and everything is working just fine. However, I find myself writing a lot of similar code. I would like to have a generic method that calls my web service. I also find it hard to multithread my code as it is now, since I have to write so much code for each type of call.
Being more of a weekend programmer I am far from mastering the in and outs of Delphi, but I think I at least have a fair understanding of RTTI, which I believe must be used to do what I want.
The web service has about 700 different methods and that is pretty much the problem. The code generated from the wsdl has methods as below:
function addPhone(const Params: addPhone): addPhoneResponse; stdcall;
function updatePhone(const Params: updatePhone): updatePhoneResponse; stdcall;
function getPhone(const Params: getPhone): getPhoneResponse; stdcall;
function removePhone(const Params: removePhone): removePhoneResponse; stdcall;
function listPhone(const Params: listPhone): listPhoneResponse; stdcall;
function addStuff(const Params: addStuff): addStuffResponse; stdcall;
function updateStuff(const Params: updateStuff): updateStuffResponse; stdcall;
... about 700 more of the above
Basically, there is about 700 different type of things that can be handled, and there is add,update,get,remove and list-methods for them all. With each call, there is a corresponding class that is used as parameters to the SOAP request. There is also a corresponding class for the response as you can see above.
The classes would look something like (very simplified):
addStuff = class
FStuff: string;
property stuff: string Index (IS_UNQL) read FStuff write FStuff;
So when I call the web service I do for example:
procedure CreateStuff;
req: addStuff;
res: addStuffResponse;
soap: MyWebServicePort;
// Use the function in the wsdl-generated code to create HTTPRIO
soap := GetMyWebServicePort(false,'',nil);
// Create Parameter Object
req := addPhone.Create;
req.stuff := 'test';
// Send the SOAP Request
res := soap.addStuff(req);
(Yes, I know I should have try..finally and Free in there as well :-) )
Then, somewhere else in the code I need to call a different method:
procedure listStuff;
req: listStuff;
res: listStuffResponse;
soap: MyWebServicePort;
// Use the function in the wsdl-generated code to create HTTPRIO
soap := GetMyWebServicePort(false,'',nil);
// Create Parameter Object
req := listPhone.Create;
req.stuff := 'test2';
// Send the SOAP Request
res := soap.listStuff(req);
Since I know that the parameter is always a class with a name that is equivalent of the method I call, I would like to be able to do something like the metacode below in order to dynamically invoking the call. I guess it requires some RTTI magic but I have'nt been able to find a way to do it:
procedure soapRequest(Param: Something; var Response: Something);
soap := GetMyWebServicePort(false,'',nil);
Response := soap.DynamicInvoke(Param.ClassName, Param);
Then I could do something like:
Does anyone have an idea how my calls to the webservice can be simplified?