We also ran into this very issue.
We do a "mail merge" type of thing where we have templates with merge codes that are parsed and replaced by data from outside sources.
This index mismatch between pos(mystring, RichEdit.Text) and the positioning index into the RichEdit text using RichText.SelStart broke our merge.
I don't have a good answer but I came up with a workaround. It's a bit cumbersome (understatment!) but until a better solution comes along...
The workaround is to use a hidden TMemo and copy the RichEdit text to it and change the CR/LF pairs to CR only. Then use the TMemo to find the proper positioning using pos(string, TMemo) and use that to get the selstart position to use in the TRichEdit.
This really sucks but hopefully this workaround will help others in our situation or maybe spark somebody smarter than me into coming up with a better solution.
I'll show a little sample code...
Since we are replacing text using seltext we need to replace text in BOTH the RichEdit control and the TMemo control to keep the two synchronized.
StartToken and EndToken are the merge code delimiters and are a constant.
function TEditForm.ParseTest: boolean;
var TagLength: integer;
var ValueLength: integer;
var ParseStart: integer;
var ParseEnd: integer;
var ParseValue: string;
var Memo: TMemo;
Result := True;//Default
Memo := TMemo.Create(nil);
Memo.Parent := self;
Memo.Visible := False;
Memo.Text := stringreplace(Memo.Text,#13#10,#13,[rfReplaceAll]);//strip CR/LF pairs and replace with CR
while (Pos(StartToken, Memo.Text) > 0) and (Pos(EndToken, Memo.Text) > 0) do begin
ParseStart := Pos(StartToken, Memo.SelText);
ParseEnd := Pos(EndToken, Memo.SelText) + Length(EndToken);
if ParseStart >= ParseEnd then begin//oops, something's wrong - bail out
Result := true;
myEditor.SelStart := 0;
TagLength := ParseEnd - ParseStart;
ValueLength := (TagLength - Length(StartToken)) - Length(EndToken);
ParseValue := Copy(Memo.SelText, (ParseStart + Length(StartToken)), ValueLength);
Memo.selstart := ParseStart - 1; //since the .text is zero based, but pos is 1 based we subtract 1
Memo.sellength := TagLength;
RichEditor.selstart := ParseStart - 1; //since the .text is zero based, but pos is 1 based we subtract 1
RichEditor.sellength := TagLength;
TempText := GetValue(ParseValue);
Memo.SelText := TempText;
RichEditor.SelText := TempText;
on e: exception do
result := false;
is the common edit control message, not the rich edit specific one. – CollatorTRichEdit
is not well suited as a syntax highlighting editor. Consider using an actual syntax highlighting editor component, such as SynEdit (synedit.sourceforge.net). – Denby