Before starting this question, i have to say I really searched everywhere to find the answer but nothing found. Also tried manythings like dispatchevent, postmessage, ... but nothing worked.
Here is the case.
I have a main windows, where I have 4 simple buttons, like downarrow, uparrow, left and right arrow. I want to create a simulation of events pass to the iframe which is in this main window.
In that iframe is a page loaded where is an Eventhandler and react on the arrows.
I tried following but did not worked
var event = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent'); // create a key event define the event
event.initKeyboardEvent("keypress", // typeArg,
true, // canBubbleArg,
true, // cancelableArg,
null, // viewArg, Specifies UIEvent.view. This value may be null.
false, // ctrlKeyArg,
false, // altKeyArg,
false, // shiftKeyArg,
false, // metaKeyArg,
39, // keyCodeArg (39 is the right arrow key ),
0); // charCodeArg);
Is there anybody who has an idea how I can solve this issue?