Am running the integration test using following sbt command
sbt clean coverage it:test coverageReport
This command runs integration tests, instruments it and generates report as well.
Build.sbt has following:
coverageMinimum in IntegrationTest := 21.0
coverageFailOnMinimum in IntegrationTest := true
Output looks like:
[info] Statement coverage.: 20.16%
[info] Branch coverage....: 12.00%
[info] Coverage reports completed
[info] All done. Coverage was [20.16%]
Output result has 20.16% code coverage but the limits in build.sbt are not enforcing the limit.
If I change build.sbt to following it works:
coverageMinimum := 21.0
coverageFailOnMinimum := true
Wanted to know what am I missing for specifying limits specifically for Integration tests
Version Information:
sbt : 0.13.17
sbt-scoverage : 1.5.1
, which happens not to be set by default, so what? – Zibet