I've tried to make the keyboard events work but sadly I can't get it to work nicely. Based on the docs I believe it the correct way to do it would be:
document.activeElement.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keypress", {
key: "Tab"
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Find all the elements that have a tabindex set,
// I would keep this file scoped for performance sake
// ------------------------------------------------------
const tabElements = Array.from(document
// Get all elements that can be focusable
.querySelectorAll('a, button, input, textarea, select, details, [tabindex]'))
// remove any that have a tabIndex of -1
.filter(element => element.tabIndex > -1)
// reverse, then sort by tabIndex descending to put 0s last but maintain original order
.reverse().sort((a, b) => a.tabIndex > b.tabIndex ? -1 : 1)
then selecting the next element:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to find the next element to focus and change the focus to that element
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const DispatchTab = () => {
// If the current focused element is a -1 then we wont find the index in the elements list, got to the start
if (document.activeElement.tabIndex === -1) {
// find the current index in the tab list of the currently focused element
const currentIndex = tabElements.findIndex(e => e === document.activeElement);
// get the next element in the list ("%" will loop the index around to 0)
const nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % tabElements.length;
I have created a JS fiddle with an approach that doesn't use the KeyboardEvent at all. It might need tweaking to your liking but should do the job. I feel Tab Example