Please tell me how to customize this menu? Perhaps another way to do it?
let barMenu = UIMenu(title: "", children: [
UIAction(title: NSLocalizedString("menu_item_home", comment: "")){
action in
print("menu_item_home 1")
UIAction(title: NSLocalizedString("menu_item_settings", comment: "")){
action in
print("menu_item_settings 2")
let settingsStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Settings", bundle: nil)
let settingsController = settingsStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SettingsScene") as! SettingsViewController
controller.navigationController?.pushViewController(settingsController, animated: true)
UIAction(title: NSLocalizedString("menu_item_contacts", comment: "")){
action in
print("menu_item_contacts 3")
let navBarMenu = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(systemName: "text.justify"), menu: barMenu)
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = navBarMenu
I need to add a menu to a NavigationBar and customize its appearance. Point in the right direction please