i wrote a python script that can do this for you. You can get a binary from the pyc file.
Written by Atissonoun - Credits to MFC & HAC
***You need to initialize the script in order to fix the import and the dependency.
This is only a Beta version of the project***
This python file works as the engine for the project.
imports, coordinates, run......
#Importing modules
import requests
#defining a Api_Keys
Google_API_KEY="Your google API Key goes here"
OpenCell_Api_Key ="Your OpenCellID API Key goes here"
def Google(MMC,MNC,LAC,ID,API_KEY=Google_API_KEY):
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/geolocation/v1/geolocate?key={}".format(API_KEY)
"radioType": "gsm",
"cellId": ID,
"locationAreaCode": LAC,
"mobileCountryCode": MMC,
"mobileNetworkCode": MNC
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200 :
long = response.json()[u'location'][u'lng']
print('Located Cell: {}'.format(ID))
return d
print('Error: {}'.format(response.status_code))
return None
def Opencell(MMC,MNC,LAC,ID,API_KEY=OpenCell_Api_Key):
url = "https://us1.unwiredlabs.com/v2/process.php"
data = {
"token": API_KEY,
"radio": "gsm",
"mcc": MMC,
"mnc": MNC,
"cells": [{
"lac": LAC,
"cid": ID
response = requests.post(url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
if response.json()[u'status']== 'error':
print('Error: {}'.format(response.json()[u'message']))
return None
lat = response.json()[u'lat']
long = response.json()[u'lon']
d = {'LAT': lat, 'LONG': long}
print('Located Cell: {}'.format(ID))
return d
print('Error: {}'.format(response.status_code))
return None