John Resig (of jQuery fame) provides a concise implementation of Simple JavaScript Inheritance. His approach inspired my attempt to improve things even further. I've rewritten Resig's original Class.extend
function to include the following advantages:
Performance – less overhead during class definition, object construction, and base class method calls
Flexibility – optimized for newer ECMAScript 5-compatible browsers (e.g. Chrome), but provides equivalent "shim" for older browsers (e.g. IE6)
Compatibility – validates in strict mode and provides better tool compatibility (e.g. VSDoc/JSDoc comments, Visual Studio IntelliSense, etc.)
Simplicity – you don't have to be a "ninja" to understand the source code (and it's even simpler if you lose the ECMAScript 5 features)
Robustness – passes more "corner case" unit tests (e.g. overriding toString in IE)
Because it almost seems too good to be true, I want to ensure my logic doesn't have any fundamental flaws or bugs, and see if anyone can suggest improvements or refute the code. With that, I present the classify
function classify(base, properties)
/// <summary>Creates a type (i.e. class) that supports prototype-chaining (i.e. inheritance).</summary>
/// <param name="base" type="Function" optional="true">The base class to extend.</param>
/// <param name="properties" type="Object" optional="true">The properties of the class, including its constructor and members.</param>
/// <returns type="Function">The class.</returns>
// quick-and-dirty method overloading
properties = (typeof(base) === "object") ? base : properties || {};
base = (typeof(base) === "function") ? base : Object;
var basePrototype = base.prototype;
var derivedPrototype;
if (Object.create)
// allow newer browsers to leverage ECMAScript 5 features
var propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties);
var propertyDescriptors = {};
for (var i = 0, p; p = propertyNames[i]; i++)
propertyDescriptors[p] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, p);
derivedPrototype = Object.create(basePrototype, propertyDescriptors);
// provide "shim" for older browsers
var baseType = function() {};
baseType.prototype = basePrototype;
derivedPrototype = new baseType;
// add enumerable properties
for (var p in properties)
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p))
derivedPrototype[p] = properties[p];
// add non-enumerable properties (see
if (!{ constructor: true }.propertyIsEnumerable("constructor"))
for (var i = 0, a = [ "constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf" ], p; p = a[i]; i++)
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p))
derivedPrototype[p] = properties[p];
// build the class
var derived = properties.hasOwnProperty("constructor") ? properties.constructor : function() { base.apply(this, arguments); };
derived.prototype = derivedPrototype;
derived.prototype.constructor = derived;
derived.prototype.base = derived.base = basePrototype;
return derived;
And the usage is nearly identical to Resig's except for the constructor name (constructor
vs. init
) and the syntax for base class method calls.
/* Example 1: Define a minimal class */
var Minimal = classify();
/* Example 2a: Define a "plain old" class (without using the classify function) */
var Class = function()
{ = "John";
Class.prototype.count = function()
return + ": One. Two. Three.";
/* Example 2b: Define a derived class that extends a "plain old" base class */
var SpanishClass = classify(Class,
constructor: function()
{ = "Juan";
count: function()
return + ": Uno. Dos. Tres.";
/* Example 3: Define a Person class that extends Object by default */
var Person = classify(
constructor: function(name, isQuiet)
{ = name;
this.isQuiet = isQuiet;
canSing: function()
return !this.isQuiet;
sing: function()
return this.canSing() ? "Figaro!" : "Shh!";
toString: function()
return "Hello, " + + "!";
/* Example 4: Define a Ninja class that extends Person */
var Ninja = classify(Person,
constructor: function(name, skillLevel)
{, name, true);
this.skillLevel = skillLevel;
canSing: function()
return || this.skillLevel > 200;
attack: function()
return "Chop!";
/* Example 4: Define an ExtremeNinja class that extends Ninja that extends Person */
var ExtremeNinja = classify(Ninja,
attack: function()
return "Chop! Chop!";
backflip: function()
return "Woosh!";
var m = new Minimal();
var c = new Class();
var s = new SpanishClass();
var p = new Person("Mary", false);
var n = new Ninja("John", 100);
var e = new ExtremeNinja("World", 200);
And here are my QUnit tests which all pass:
equals(m instanceof Object && m instanceof Minimal && m.constructor === Minimal, true);
equals(c instanceof Object && c instanceof Class && c.constructor === Class, true);
equals(s instanceof Object && s instanceof Class && s instanceof SpanishClass && s.constructor === SpanishClass, true);
equals(p instanceof Object && p instanceof Person && p.constructor === Person, true);
equals(n instanceof Object && n instanceof Person && n instanceof Ninja && n.constructor === Ninja, true);
equals(e instanceof Object && e instanceof Person && e instanceof Ninja && e instanceof ExtremeNinja && e.constructor === ExtremeNinja, true);
equals(c.count(), "John: One. Two. Three.");
equals(s.count(), "Juan: Uno. Dos. Tres.");
equals(p.isQuiet, false);
equals(p.canSing(), true);
equals(p.sing(), "Figaro!");
equals(n.isQuiet, true);
equals(n.skillLevel, 100);
equals(n.canSing(), false);
equals(n.sing(), "Shh!");
equals(n.attack(), "Chop!");
equals(e.isQuiet, true);
equals(e.skillLevel, 200);
equals(e.canSing(), false);
equals(e.sing(), "Shh!");
equals(e.attack(), "Chop! Chop!");
equals(e.backflip(), "Woosh!");
equals(e.skillLevel, 201);
equals(e.canSing(), true);
equals(e.sing(), "Figaro!");
equals(e.toString(), "Hello, World!");
Does anyone see anything wrong with my approach vs. John Resig's original approach? Suggestions and feedback are welcome!
NOTE: The above code has been modified significantly since I initially posted this question. The above represents the latest version. To see how it has evolved, please check the revision history.
and traitsjs. Inheritance is no good in javascript, use object composition – Lidalidah