After seeing the quite complex TCP state diagram example of dagre-d3, I figured it would be able to resolve diagrams of similar complexity. In the following diagram, this clearly isn't the case. If the two marked nodes were swapped, all crossings would be resolved.
Another interesting thing is that how good the graph is solved seems to depend on the order I set the edges in.
The following code
g.setEdge("148570019_1100", "148570020_1100", { label: "" });
g.setEdge("148570019_1100", "148570021_1100", { label: "" });
g.setEdge("148570019_1100", "148570010_1100", { label: "" });
doesn't give the same results as this:
g.setEdge("148570019_1100", "148570010_1100", { label: "" });
g.setEdge("148570019_1100", "148570020_1100", { label: "" });
g.setEdge("148570019_1100", "148570021_1100", { label: "" });
See these two examples:
As suggested, I tried to use cola.js instead, and this is what the same graph looks like:
As you see, colajs is better at crossing reduction, but the layout isn't nearly as structured and clear as dagre's. I use the following settings for colajs:
.flowLayout('x', 150)
.size([width, height])
Is it possible to configure colajs in a way that makes it look more structured, similar to dagre? And is dagre simply not able to solve something like this, or is it possible to configure it in a way it is?