I am working on a project where we are delay signing the assemblies. I need to use the strong name tool a couple times during the build, to turn off strong name verification, and then to fully sign the assemblies before they are packaged. I attempted to use a powershell step to turn off verification, but it came back with this error:
$testprojs = gci Project.*.dll -r
$testprojs | % {
sn -Vr $_
write-output $("Turned off sn verification for " + $_.Name)
Failed to open registry key -- Administrator permissions are needed to use
the selected options. Use an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks.
So I created a script that would run the first one, but added the -elevated parameter. This made no difference.
I also tried using a command prompt step instead of powershell. This also returned the same error.
For /r %g in ("Project.*.dll") DO sn -Vr %g
When I tried running this same script rdp'd to the build agent machine itself, it works as intended. It's only when it runs as a step in the build does it not work.
Any ideas?