I'm currently writing Slick code to target an old schema with two tables > 22 columns. How do I use the new HList code? I've got 2.0-M3 working fine in other respects under Scala 2.10.3. Here's the syntax I'm currently using with case classes / tuples. What would I do to use the new HLists mentioned in the docs?
case class Joiner(
id: Int,
name: Option[String],
contact: Option[String]
class Joiners(tag: Tag) extends Table[Joiner](tag, "joiner") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc, O.DBType("int(11)"))
def name = column[Option[String]]("name", O.DBType("varchar(255)"))
def contact = column[Option[String]]("contact", O.DBType("text"))
def * = (id, name.?, contact.?) <> (Joiner.tupled, Joiner.unapply)
val joiners = TableQuery[Joiners]
I don't see any in the examples and only a brief mention in the newly updated docs. I'm new to Scala as well as Slick.