I'm having some trouble using coxph(). I've two categorical variables:"tecnologia" and "pais", and I want to evaluate the possible interaction effect of "pais" on "tecnologia"."tecnologia" is a variable factor with 2 levels: gps and convencional. And "pais" as 2 levels: PT and ES. I have no idea why this warning keeps appearing. Here's the code and the output:
Warning message:
In coxph(Surv(dados_temp$dias_seg, dados_temp$status) ~ tecnologia * :
X matrix deemed to be singular; variable 3
> cox_AC
coxph(formula = Surv(dados_temp$dias_seg, dados_temp$status) ~
tecnologia * pais, data = dados_temp)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
tecnologiagps -0.152 0.859 0.400 -0.38 7e-01
paisPT 1.469 4.345 0.406 3.62 3e-04
tecnologiagps:paisPT NA NA 0.000 NA NA
Likelihood ratio test=23.8 on 2 df, p=6.82e-06 n= 127, number of events= 64
I'm opening another question about this subject, although I made a similar one some months ago, because I'm facing the same problem again, with other data. And this time I'm sure it's not a data related problem.
Can somebody help me? Thank you
UPDATE: The problem does not seem to be a perfect classification
> xtabs(~status+tecnologia,data=dados)
status conv doppler gps
0 39 6 24
1 30 3 34
> xtabs(~status+pais,data=dados)
status ES PT
0 71 8
1 49 28
> xtabs(~tecnologia+pais,data=dados)
tecnologia ES PT
conv 69 0
doppler 1 8
gps 30 28
by the variables and their interaction? – Effulgentxtabs(~tecnologica+pais,data=dados)
? 2. Why notdput
you data and let people check it out rather than speculate? – Allaround