Using proc
notation for Arrow
seems to kill performance in my project. Here is a toy example of the problem:
We define Coroutine newtype (mostly copying from Generalizing Streams into Coroutines) to represent Mealy machines (i.e. functions that carry some state) with instances of Category
and Arrow
, write scan
wrapper function and evalList
runner function for lists.
Then we have sumArr
and sumArr'
functions where the latter is the former called within proc
Compiling with stack ghc -- --make test.hs -O2
using ghc-8.0.2 on OS X I get runtime of 0.087 secs for sumArr
and 3.263 secs for sumArr'
(with a heavy memory footprint).
I would like to know if this in fact caused by using proc
and if I can do something to have normal runtime behaviour when using proc
notation (writing arrow code without it is painful). Thank you.
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import qualified Data.List as L
newtype Coroutine i o = Coroutine { runC :: i -> (o, Coroutine i o) }
instance Category Coroutine where
id = Coroutine $ \i -> (i, id)
cof . cog = Coroutine $ \i ->
let (x, cog') = runC cog i
(y, cof') = runC cof x
in (y, cof' . cog')
instance Arrow Coroutine where
arr f = Coroutine $ \i -> (f i, arr f)
first co = Coroutine $ \(a,b) ->
let (c, co') = runC co a in ((c,b), first co')
scan :: (o -> t -> o) -> o -> Coroutine t o
scan f = go where
go i = Coroutine $ step i where
step a b = let !a' = f a b in (a', go a')
evalList :: Coroutine a b -> [a] -> [b]
evalList a = fst . L.drop 1 . L.scanl' (\(_, acc) v -> let !x = runC acc v in x) (undefined, a)
sumArr, sumArr' :: Coroutine Int Int
sumArr = scan (\acc x -> let !newAcc = acc + x in newAcc) 0
sumArr' = proc v -> do sumArr -< v
testData :: [Int]
testData = [1..1000000]
main = print $ L.last $ evalList sumArr' testData