So I am having an issue with ES6, Webpack and VUE JS in IE 11. This works in Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not IE 11.
The error:
SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
vue.js (16,8498)
Ok, so whats at this line?
(module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__){"use strict";eval("/* unused harmony export getJSON */\n/* unused harmony export getScrollBarWidth */\n/* unused harmony export translations */\n/* harmony export (immutable) */ __webpack_exports__[\"b\"] = delayer;\n/* unused harmony export VueFixer */\n// coerce convert som types of data into another type\nconst coerce = {\n // Convert a string to booleam. Otherwise, return the value without modification, so if is not boolean, Vue throw a warning.\n boolean: val => (typeof val === 'string' ? val === '' || val === 'true' ? true : (val === 'false' || val === 'null' || val === 'undefined' ? false : val) : val),\n // Attempt to convert a string value to a Number. Otherwise, return 0.\n number: (val, alt = null) => (typeof val === 'number' ? val : val === undefined || val === null || isNaN(Number(val)) ? alt :
This goes on for a while ...
I am confused by this mess, as are you I am sure:
This is my Webpack file:
let mix = require('laravel-mix');
var path = require('path');
| Mix Asset Management
| Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining some Webpack build steps
| for your Laravel application. By default, we are compiling the Sass
| file for the application as well as bundling up all the JS files.
var npm = '/node_modules/';
var paths = {
'jquery-ui': npm + 'jquery-ui/',
'bootstrap': npm + 'bootstrap/',
'select2': npm + 'select2/dist/',
'lightbox2': npm + 'lightbox2/dist/',
'accounting': npm + 'accounting/',
var jQueryUITheme = 'ui-lightness';
mix.less('resources/assets/less/style.less', 'public/css/', {
modifyVars: {
'bootstrap': '"' + path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['bootstrap'] + 'less/' + '"'
}).js('resources/assets/js/boot.js', 'public/js/all.js').webpackConfig({
resolve: {
alias: {
"matches-selector/matches-selector": "desandro-matches-selector",
"eventEmitter/EventEmitter": "wolfy87-eventemitter",
"get-style-property/get-style-property": "desandro-get-style-property",
'masonry': 'masonry-layout',
'isotope': 'isotope-layout',
'isotope/js/layout-mode': 'isotope-layout/js/layoutmode',
'pace': 'pace-progress',
"jquery-ui/ui/widget": "jquery-ui/widget.js",
}).js('resources/assets/js/vue/main.js', 'public/js/vue.js')
path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['accounting'] + 'accounting.js'
], 'public/js/genesis.js')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['jquery-ui'] + 'themes/' + jQueryUITheme + '/jquery-ui.min.css', 'public/css/lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['jquery-ui'] + 'themes/' + jQueryUITheme + '/theme.css', 'public/css/lib/jquery-ui/theme.css')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['jquery-ui'] + 'themes/' + jQueryUITheme + '/images', 'public/css/lib/jquery-ui/images')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['select2'] + 'css/select2.min.css', 'public/css/lib/select2/select2.min.css')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['lightbox2'] + 'css/lightbox.min.css', 'public/css/lib/lightbox2/css')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['lightbox2'] + 'images/loading.gif', 'public/css/lib/lightbox2/images')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['lightbox2'] + 'images/close.png', 'public/css/lib/lightbox2/images')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['lightbox2'] + 'images/next.png', 'public/css/lib/lightbox2/images')
.copy(path.resolve(__dirname) + paths['lightbox2'] + 'images/prev.png', 'public/css/lib/lightbox2/images')
mix.babel(['public/js/main.js'], 'public/js/main.js');
mix.babel(['public/js/vue.js'], 'public/js/vue.js');
mix.minify(['public/js/main.js', 'public/js/vue.js', 'public/css/style.css']);
I have also installed and done: babel polyfill and done: import "@babel/polyfill";
in the boot.js
we have.
I am unsure what the error is aside from "syntax". Is there something I mam missing?
? I am using{ "presets": ["env", "vue"] }
is there a babel preset for@vue
? – Sorosis