Does anyone have a simple step-by-step tutorial about serving static files on a Django production app? I read the Django docs and it sounds really complicated... I'm trying to go the route of serving static files using a different server like lighttpd, nginx, or cherokee, but setting these up is all Greek to me. I downloaded lighttpd, tried to follow the instructions to install, and within a few seconds got an error. Missing this or that or whatnot... I'm not a UNIX whiz and I'm not very good at C/C++, so all this ./configure and MAKE install are gibberish to me... So I guess my immediate questions are:
- Which server would you recommend to serve static files that's easy to install and easy to maintain?
- Assuming I actually get the server up and running, then what? How do I tell Django to look for the files on that other server?
- Again, anyone has step-by-step tutorials?
Thanks a lot!