I'm working on providing an API via GAE that will allow users to page forwards and backwards through a set of entities. I've reviewed the section about cursors on the NDB Queries documentation page, which includes some sample code that describes how to page backwards through query results, but it doesn't seem to be working as desired. I'm using GAE Development SDK 1.8.8.
Here's a modified version of that example that creates 5 sample entities, gets and prints the first page, steps forward into and prints the second page, and attempts to step backwards and print the first page again:
import pprint
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
class Bar(ndb.Model):
foo = ndb.StringProperty()
#ndb.put_multi([Bar(foo="a"), Bar(foo="b"), Bar(foo="c"), Bar(foo="d"), Bar(foo="e")])
# Set up.
q = Bar.query()
q_forward = q.order(Bar.foo)
q_reverse = q.order(-Bar.foo)
# Fetch the first page.
bars1, cursor1, more1 = q_forward.fetch_page(2)
# Fetch the next (2nd) page.
bars2, cursor2, more2 = q_forward.fetch_page(2, start_cursor=cursor1)
# Fetch the previous page.
rev_cursor2 = cursor2.reversed()
bars3, cursor3, more3 = q_reverse.fetch_page(2, start_cursor=rev_cursor2)
(FYI, you can run the above in the Interactive Console of your local app engine.)
The above code prints the following results; note that the third page of results is just the second page reversed, instead of going back to the first page:
[Bar(key=Key('Bar', 4996180836614144), foo=u'a'),
Bar(key=Key('Bar', 6122080743456768), foo=u'b')]
[Bar(key=Key('Bar', 5559130790035456), foo=u'c'),
Bar(key=Key('Bar', 6685030696878080), foo=u'd')]
[Bar(key=Key('Bar', 6685030696878080), foo=u'd'),
Bar(key=Key('Bar', 5559130790035456), foo=u'c')]
I was expecting to see results like this:
[Bar(key=Key('Bar', 4996180836614144), foo=u'a'),
Bar(key=Key('Bar', 6122080743456768), foo=u'b')]
[Bar(key=Key('Bar', 5559130790035456), foo=u'c'),
Bar(key=Key('Bar', 6685030696878080), foo=u'd')]
[Bar(key=Key('Bar', 6685030696878080), foo=u'a'),
Bar(key=Key('Bar', 5559130790035456), foo=u'b')]
If I change the "Fetch the previous page" section of code to the following code snippet, I get the expected output, but are there any drawbacks that I haven't forseen to using the forward-ordered query and end_cursor instead of the mechanism described in the documentation?
# Fetch the previous page.
bars3, cursor3, more3 = q_forward.fetch_page(2, end_cursor=cursor1)