I'm using Angular5, and I have a list of fields, each has a name and FormControl. I try to dynamically add the controls to the group, using this code, but I got an error.
const formControlFields = [
{name: 'field1',control: [null, []] as FormControl},
{name: 'field2',control: [null, []] as FormControl}
const formGroup: FormGroup = new FormGroup({});
formControlFields.forEach( f => formGroup.addControl(f.name,f.control));
this.form = new FormGroup({groups:formGroup});
This is the error I get:
ERROR TypeError: control.setParent is not a function
at FormGroup.registerControl (forms.js:4352) at FormGroup.addControl (forms.js:4372) at eval (trade-search.component.ts:142)