I want to run a playbook containing some roles on multiple host groups I create dynamically with the group_by module.
I'm able to do it like the example below (ping replacing my actual role).
I was wondering if there is a way to run each group separately in a loop instead of listing all instance ids. I don't want to create a duplicate line with every instance id.
The purpose here is to deploy to one instance in every data center at a time instead of running all with a low serial which takes a long time.
There might be a different way of doing it, I don't want to create static groups in the inventory for each instance_id as well.
- hosts: tag_type_edgenode
- group_by: key=instance_id_{{instance_id}}
register: dyn_groups
- hosts: instance_id_1
- ping:
- hosts: instance_id_2
- ping:
- hosts: instance_id_3
- ping:
- hosts: instance_id_4
- ping: