Well, LightTable is good as REPL in development phase, but when you're done, you need to compile the ClojureScript to be executed (i.e., with node.js).
Setup for LightTable
- Open a clojurescript file with cljs extension.
- Click Control-space
- Select connect: Add Connection, and select LightTable
Then, you can give the ClojureScript expression, and evaluate it with command-enter or shift-command-enter key (with Mac OS X).
Setup for node.js
The simplest way is to use lein, but if you don't want to use lein, this is one of the possible ways.
Step1: Download cljs.jar compiler
Or download a newer version if available.
Step2: Create source directory and create files
└── src
├── build.clj
└── smcho
└── core.cljs
build.clj is as follows, you can change the namespace and accordingly the directory name as necessary.
(require 'cljs.build.api)
(cljs.build.api/build "src"
{:main 'smcho.core
:output-to "main.js"
:target :nodejs})
This is ClojureScript code; the main method is added.
(ns smcho.core
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(defn factorial [x]
(reduce * (range 1 (inc x))))
(defn fib [n]
(if (<= n 1)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(defn sort-seq []
(sort (repeat 100 (rand-int 2000))))
(defn time-fun [fun]
(let [start (.getTime (js/Date.))
_ (fun)
end (.getTime (js/Date.))
result (- end start)]
(defn time-it [fun]
(let [values (for [i (range 200)] (time-fun fun))]
(/ (apply + values)
(count values))))
(defn -main []
(println "(factorial 5000) \t Avg: " (time-it #(factorial 5000)))
(println "(fib 20) \t Avg: " (time-it #(fib 20)))
(println "(sort-seq) \t Avg: " (time-it #(sort-seq))))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
Step3: build to get the main.js script.
java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main src/build.clj
Step4: Run node.js
node main.js
This will show the execution results.
(factorial 5000) Avg: 0.65
(fib 20) Avg: 0.135
(sort-seq) Avg: 0.135
The example code is copied from http://blog.gonzih.me/blog/2013/01/23/clojurescript-on-beaglebone-simple-benchmark-with-node-dot-js/ .