UPDATE: I have fixed this problem after lots of painstaking work on my own. I am happy to be a resource to anybody needing a hand with this. Here is a gist of my working setup.
I have tried every solution I could find Google and SO. Here are some different things I have tried:
page.execute_script %Q{$('#{selector}').val('#{value}').trigger('keydown')}
fill_in field, with: options[:with]
page.execute_script %Q{ $('##{field}').trigger('focus') }
page.execute_script %Q{ $('##{field}').trigger('keydown') }
This is what fails:
page.should have_selector('ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a')
But it's definitely there when I look at it in Firebug and test it in the browser.
Here are all of the details, including a restatement of those above. Remember, the autocomplete field works fine in the browser.
require "spec_helper"
describe "Listing Integration" do
let!(:user) { login_user }
it "lets a user add information listing", js: true do
listing = create(:listing, user: user)
click_link('Additional Information')
fill_autocomplete('listings_search', with: listing.item_id)
def fill_autocomplete(field, options = {})
fill_in field, with: options[:with]
page.execute_script %Q{ $('##{field}').trigger('focus') }
page.execute_script %Q{ $('##{field}').trigger('keydown') }
selector = %Q{ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a:contains('#{options[:with]}')}
page.should have_selector('ul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a')
page.execute_script %Q{ $("##{selector}").trigger('mouseenter').click() }
ERB from view template
<%= simple_fields_for :listings do |f| %>
<%= f.input :search, label: "Search by Listing", required: true %>
<% end %>
and the Coffeescript:
source: (request, response) ->
options =
term: request.term
$.get "/search_listings", options, (data) ->
if data.length == 0
alert "No listings found."
response data
minLength: 2
select: (event, ui) ->
add_listing_hash =
type: "GET"
url: "/add_listing"
data: { id: ui.item.id }
success: () ->
? Obviously a longer spec but it's worth a try. Especially AJAX stuff IMHO – Tarrasatimeout
I have it configured with it, then fails to find theul.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a
selector. Something is making Poltergeist hang up after autocomplete is initiated. – Laetitia