I really like catch.hpp for testing (https://github.com/philsquared/Catch). I like its BDD style and its REQUIRE statements, its version of asserts. However, catch does not come with a mocking framework.
The project I'm working on has GMock and GTest but we've used catch for a few projects as well. I'd like to use GMock with catch.
I found 2 conflicts in the catch.hpp and gtests header files for the macros FAIL and SUCCEED. Since I'm not using the TDD style but instead the BDD style I commented them out, I checked that they weren't referenced anywhere else in catch.hpp.
Problem: Using EXPECT_CALL()
doesn't return anything or have callbacks to know if the EXPECT passed. I want to do something like:
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(EXPECT_CALL(obj_a, an_a_method()).Times(::testing::AtLeast(1)));
Question: How can I get a callback if EXPECT_CALL
fails (or a return value)