I've got an ExtJS (4.0.7) GridPanel that I'm populating from a store. The values that I display in the GridPanel's column need to have a different view depending on the type of data that's in the record.
The ultimate goal is that records with "double" or "integer" value for the record's type
property present a slider to the user that they can adjust, and a type of "string" just renders some read-only text.
I've created a custom Column to do this. It inspects the type in the renderer and determines what to render.
I've got the "string" working fine with the code below, but struggling with how I can dynamically create and render the more complicated slider control in the column.
This simplified example is just trying to render a Panel
with a date control in it as if I can get that going, I can figure out the rest of the slider stuff.
Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyColumn', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.column.Column',
alias: ['widget.mycolumn'],
stringTemplate: new Ext.XTemplate('code to render {name} for string items'),
constructor: function(cfg){
var me = this;
me.renderer = function(value, p, record) {
var data = Ext.apply({}, record.data, record.getAssociatedData());
if (data.type == "string") {
return me.renderStringFilter(data);
} else if (data.type == "double" || data.type == "integer") {
return me.renderNumericFilter(data);
} else {
log("Unknown data.type", data);
renderStringFilter: function(data) {
// this works great and does what I want
return this.stringTemplate.apply(data);
renderNumericFilter: function(data) {
// ***** How do I get a component I "create" to render
// ***** in it's appropriate position in the gridpanel?
// what I really want here is a slider with full behavior
// this is a placeholder for just trying to "create" something to render
var filterPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
title: 'Filters',
items: [{
xtype: 'datefield',
fieldLabel: 'date'
renderTo: Ext.getBody() // this doesn't work
return filterPanel.html; // this doesn't work
My problem really is, how can I Ext.create
a component, and have it render into a column in the gridpanel?