Personally I always tend to stick the database operations in a database class which does all the heavy lifting of initialising the class, opening the connection etc. It also has generic query-wrappers to which I pass the SQL-statements which contains the normal placeholders for the bound variables, plus an array of the variables to be bound (or the variable number of parameters approach if thats suits you better). If you want to bind each param individually and not use the $stmt->execute(array());
You just pass in the types with the value in a data structure of your choosing, multi dim array, dictionary, JSON, whatever suits your needs and you find easy to work with.
The model class it self (Blog in your case) then subclasses the Database. Then you have a few choices to make. Do you want to use the constructor to create only new objects? Do you want it to only load based on IDs? Or a mix of both? Something like:
function __construct(id = null, title = null, ingress = null, body = null) {
$row = $this->getRow("SELECT * FROM blog WHERE id = :id",id); // Get a single row from the result
$this->title = $row->title;
$this->ingress = $row->ingress;
$this->body = $row->body;
... etc
} else if(!empty(title,ingress,body)){
$this->title = title;
... etc
Maybe neither? You can skip the constructor and use the new(title, ingress, body)
, save()
and a load(id)
methods if thats your preference.
Of course, the query part can be generalised even further if you just configure some class members and let the Database-superclass do the query building based on what you send in or set as member-variables. For example:
class Database {
$columns = []; // Array for storing the column names, could also be a dictionary that also stores the values
$idcolumn = "id"; // Generic id column name typically used, can be overridden in subclass
// Function for loading the object in a generic way based on configured data
function load($id){
if(!$this->db) $this->connect(); // Make sure we are connected
$query = "SELECT "; // Init the query to base string
foreach($this->columns as $column){
if($query !== "SELECT ") $query .= ", "; // See if we need comma before column name
$query .= $column; // Add column name to query
$query .= " FROM " . $this->tablename . " WHERE " . $this->idcolumn . " = :" . $this->idcolumn . ";";
$arg = ["col"=>$this->idcolumn,"value"=>$id,"type"=>PDO::PARAM_INT];
$row = $this->getRow($query,[$arg]); // Do the query and get the row pass in the type of the variable along with the variable, in this case an integer based ID
foreach($row as $column => $value){
$this->$column = $value; // Assign the values from $row to $this
function getRow($query,$args){
$statement = $this->query($query,$args); // Use the main generic query to return the result as a PDOStatement
$result = $statement->fetch(); // Get the first row
return $result;
function query($query,$args){
$stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
foreach($args as $arg){
return $stmt;
Now as you see the load($id)
, getrow($query,$args)
and query($query,$args)
is completely generic. ´getrow()´is just a wrapper on query()
that gets the first row, you may want to have several different wrappers that to or interpret your statement result in different ways. You may also even want to add object specific wrappers to your models if they cannot be made generic. Now the model, in your case Blog
could look like:
class Blog extends Database {
function __construct($id = null){
$this->columns = ["title","ingress","body","id",...];
$this->idcolumn = "articleid"; // override parent id name
if($id) $this->load($id);
Use it as so: $blog = new Blog(123);
to load a specific blog, or $blog = new Blog(); $blog->title = "title"; ... $blog->save();
if you want a new.