I have a class that I wish to expose as a remote service using pythons SimpleXMLRPCServer. The server startup looks like this:
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer((serverSettings.LISTEN_IP,serverSettings.LISTEN_PORT))
service = Service()
I then have a ServiceRemote class that looks like this:
def __init__(self,ip,port):
self.rpcClient = xmlrpclib.Server('http://%s:%d' %(ip,port))
def __getattr__(self, name):
# forward all calls to the rpc client
return getattr(self.rpcClient, name)
So all calls on the ServiceRemote object will be forwarded to xmlrpclib.Server, which then forwards it to the remote server. The problem is a method in the service that takes named varargs:
def select(self, db, fields, **kwargs):
The @useDb decorator wraps the function, creating the db before the call and opening it, then closing it after the call is done before returning the result.
When I call this method, I get the error "call() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'". So, is it possible to call methods taking variable named arguments remotely? Or will I have to create an override for each method variation I need.
Thanks for the responses. I changed my code around a bit so the question is no longer an issue. However now I know this for future reference if I indeed do need to implement positional arguments and support remote invocation. I think a combination of Thomas and praptaks approaches would be good. Turning kwargs into positional args on the client through xmlrpclient, and having a wrapper on methods serverside to unpack positional arguments.