On a fresh install of Unity Hub, 2022.3.7f1, I tried to create an ARCore template project, and in the middle of creation, when it got to the part where the engine opens and processes some stuff, on the Application.UpdateScene, it always crashes. Then, when I open up the project, I get a warning that:
“Saving has no effect. Your class ‘UnityEditor.XR.Simulation.XREnvironmentViewManager’ is missing the FilePathAttribute. Use this attribute to specify where to save your ScriptableSingleton.
Only call Save() and use this attribute if you want your state to survive between sessions of Unity.
UnityEditor.XR.Simulation.XREnvironmentViewManager:OnDisable () (at ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/Editor/Simulation/XREnvironmentViewManager.cs:169)”
What is going on over here…
Also, the AR Session Origin and AR Session are missing
I read that AR Session Origin has been deprecated and replaced by XR Origin. https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/version-history/upgrade-guide.html#:~:text=As%20of%205.0%2C%20ARSessionOrigin%20is,in%20your%20project%20with%20XROrigin%20. But, even after using XR Origin, I am still facing the same issue as you are.
– VotyakI'm getting the same issue with 2022.3.8f1b as well, would really appreciate if anyone knows what's up
– HiginbothamSame here. Building the most simple AR scene and meeting this weird problem.
– Deyoung