I'm thinking:
Number of unique digits numbers 1-5324
= Number of unique digits numbers 1-9
+ Number of unique digits numbers 10-99
+ Number of unique digits numbers 100-999
+ Number of unique digits numbers 1000-5324
f(n) = Number of unique digits numbers with length n.
f(1) = 9 (1-9)
f(2) = 9*9 (1-9 * 0-9 (excluding first digit))
f(3) = 9*9*8 (1-9 * 0-9 (excluding first digit) * 0-9 (excluding first 2 digits))
f(4) = 9*9*8*7
Add all of the above until you get to the number of digits that N has minus 1.
Then you only have to do Number of unique digits numbers 1000-5324
Number of unique digits numbers 1000-5324
= Number of unique digits numbers 1000-4999
+ Number of unique digits numbers 5000-5299
+ Number of unique digits numbers 5300-5319
+ Number of unique digits numbers 5320-5324
N = 5324
If N[0] = 1, there are 9*8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[0] = 2, there are 9*8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[0] = 3, there are 9*8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[0] = 4, there are 9*8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[0] = 5
If N[1] = 0, there are 8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[1] = 1, there are 8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[1] = 2, there are 8*7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[1] = 3
If N[2] = 0, there are 7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[2] = 1, there are 7 possibilities for the other digits
If N[2] = 2
If N[3] = 0, there is 1 possibility (no other digits)
If N[3] = 1, there is 1 possibility (no other digits)
If N[3] = 2, there is 1 possibility (no other digits)
If N[3] = 3, there is 1 possibility (no other digits)
The above is something like:
uniques += (N[0]-1)*9!/(9-N.length+1)!
for (int i = 1:N.length)
uniques += N[i]*(9-i)!/(9-N.length+1)!
// don't forget N
if (hasUniqueDigits(N))
uniques += 1
You don't really need DP as the above should be fast enough.
The above actually needs to be a little more complicated (N[2] = 2 and N[3] = 2 above is not valid). It needs to be more like:
binary used[10]
uniques += (N[0]-1)*9!/(9-N.length+1)!
used[N[0]] = 1
for (int i = 1:N.length)
uniques += (N[i]-sum(used 0 to N[i]))*(9-i)!/(9-N.length+1)!
if (used[N[i]] == 1)
used[N[i]] = 1
// still need to remember N
if (hasUniqueDigits(N))
uniques += 1
a(n) = 9*9!/(10-n)!
is available here: oeis.org/A073531 – Zingaro