I dont think this feature exists at this point. The uiGridColumnResizer directive is registering event listeners on dblclick, mousedown and mouseup. The dblclick event is basically going thru all the rendered cells and calculating the maximum width and setting it as the column width. This will be a performance issue if you have a lot of rows rendered.
I would probably just set a maximum possible width based on the data the grid will have.
Or try to replicate the behaviour in the uiGridColumnResizer.
$elm.on('dblclick', function(event, args) {
var col = uiGridResizeColumnsService.findTargetCol($scope.col, $scope.position, rtlMultiplier);
// Don't resize if it's disabled on this column
if (col.colDef.enableColumnResizing === false) {
// Go through the rendered rows and find out the max size for the data in this column
var maxWidth = 0;
var xDiff = 0;
// Get the parent render container element
var renderContainerElm = gridUtil.closestElm($elm, '.ui-grid-render-container');
// Get the cell contents so we measure correctly. For the header cell we have to account for the sort icon and the menu buttons, if present
var cells = renderContainerElm.querySelectorAll('.' + uiGridConstants.COL_CLASS_PREFIX + col.uid + ' .ui-grid-cell-contents');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(cells, function (cell) {
// Get the cell width
// gridUtil.logDebug('width', gridUtil.elementWidth(cell));
// Account for the menu button if it exists
var menuButton;
if (angular.element(cell).parent().hasClass('ui-grid-header-cell')) {
menuButton = angular.element(cell).parent()[0].querySelectorAll('.ui-grid-column-menu-button');
gridUtil.fakeElement(cell, {}, function(newElm) {
// Make the element float since it's a div and can expand to fill its container
var e = angular.element(newElm);
e.attr('style', 'float: left');
var width = gridUtil.elementWidth(e);
if (menuButton) {
var menuButtonWidth = gridUtil.elementWidth(menuButton);
width = width + menuButtonWidth;
if (width > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = width;
xDiff = maxWidth - width;
// check we're not outside the allowable bounds for this column
col.width = constrainWidth(col, maxWidth);
// All other columns because fixed to their drawn width, if they aren't already
uiGridResizeColumnsService.fireColumnSizeChanged(uiGridCtrl.grid, col.colDef, xDiff);