I read this already and wrote this script to fetch body for emails in some mail box which title begins with '$' and is sent by some sender.
import email, getpass, imaplib, os
detach_dir = "F:\PYTHONPROJECTS" # where you will save attachments
user = raw_input("Enter your GMail username --> ")
pwd = getpass.getpass("Enter your password --> ")
# connect to the gmail imap server
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")
m.login(user, pwd)
m.select("PETROLEUM") # here you a can choose a mail box like INBOX instead
# use m.list() to get all the mailboxes
resp, items = m.search(None, '(FROM "[email protected]")')
items = items[0].split() # getting the mails id
my_msg = [] # store relevant msgs here in please
msg_cnt = 0
break_ = False
for emailid in items[::-1]:
resp, data = m.fetch(emailid, "(RFC822)")
if ( break_ ):
for response_part in data:
if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
msg = email.message_from_string(response_part[1])
varSubject = msg['subject']
if varSubject[0] == '$':
msg_cnt += 1
print msg_cnt
print email.message_from_string(response_part[1])
if ( msg_cnt == 5 ):
break_ = True
if I print email.message_from_string(response_part[1])
, I can see it contains first information (header, from, to, date...), the the full text body. But, I cannot fetch the body itself. email.message_from_string(response_part[0])
prints mails IDS, and email.message_from_string(response_part[2])
is out of range. email.message_from_string(response_part[1][0])
neither is doing it.
Thanks and regards.
Now, I can almost have body text. However, it is still spoilt by an information statement coming first. I get as a result
From nobody Tue Dec 25 11:42:58 2012
and I would like to get rid of From nobody Tue Dec 25 11:42:58 2012
which is information. I know I could parse text look for first relevant line... i know.
The code for achieving so (to plug in my first sample) is
if varSubject[0] == '$':
r, d = m.fetch(emailid, "(UID BODY[TEXT])")
msg_cnt += 1
print email.message_from_string(d[0][1])
Do you have a better way (no info string) ??? More: what is the command to now fetch the date ? I know that I can do varDate = msg['date']
where suited above, but how to just fetch day-month-year ? THANKS