The previous answer is correct in semantics, but outdated in exact details.
Logically, swapping two values works by reading value A into a temporary location, copying B on top of A, then writing the temporary value back into B. There is a brief period where the same value exists twice in memory. This is why the implementation of these functions requires unsafe
code, as only a human can guarantee that Rust's safety requirements are upheld.
As of Rust 1.43.0, mem::swap
is implemented as:
pub fn swap<T>(x: &mut T, y: &mut T) {
// SAFETY: the raw pointers have been created from safe mutable references satisfying all the
// constraints on `ptr::swap_nonoverlapping_one`
unsafe {
ptr::swap_nonoverlapping_one(x, y);
is private, but its implementation is:
pub(crate) unsafe fn swap_nonoverlapping_one<T>(x: *mut T, y: *mut T) {
// For types smaller than the block optimization below,
// just swap directly to avoid pessimizing codegen.
if mem::size_of::<T>() < 32 {
let z = read(x);
copy_nonoverlapping(y, x, 1);
write(y, z);
} else {
swap_nonoverlapping(x, y, 1);
You can see the documentation for ptr::copy_nonoverlapping
and ptr::swap_nonoverlapping
. The latter is basically a highly-optimized version of copying for larger values.