don't limit your self with Integer.MAX_VALUE
although this question has been asked many years ago, but a i wanted to participate with a simple example using only java se without any external libraries
at first let's say it's theoretically impossible but practically possible
a new look : if the array is an object of elements what about having an object that is array of arrays
here's the example
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author Anosa
public class BigArray<t>{
private final static int ARRAY_LENGTH = 1000000;
public final long length;
private List<t[]> arrays;
public BigArray(long length, Class<t> glasss)
this.length = length;
arrays = new ArrayList<>();
private void setupInnerArrays(Class<t> glasss)
long numberOfArrays = length / ARRAY_LENGTH;
long remender = length % ARRAY_LENGTH;
we can use java 8 lambdas and streams:
LongStream.range(0, numberOfArrays).
forEach(i ->
arrays.add((t[]) Array.newInstance(glasss, ARRAY_LENGTH));
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArrays; i++)
arrays.add((t[]) Array.newInstance(glasss, ARRAY_LENGTH));
if (remender > 0)
//the remainer will 100% be less than the [ARRAY_LENGTH which is int ] so
//no worries of casting (:
arrays.add((t[]) Array.newInstance(glasss, (int) remender));
public void put(t value, long index)
if (index >= length || index < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("out of the reange of the array, your index must be in this range [0, " + length + "]");
int indexOfArray = (int) (index / ARRAY_LENGTH);
int indexInArray = (int) (index - (indexOfArray * ARRAY_LENGTH));
arrays.get(indexOfArray)[indexInArray] = value;
public t get(long index)
if (index >= length || index < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("out of the reange of the array, your index must be in this range [0, " + length + "]");
int indexOfArray = (int) (index / ARRAY_LENGTH);
int indexInArray = (int) (index - (indexOfArray * ARRAY_LENGTH));
return arrays.get(indexOfArray)[indexInArray];
and here's the test
public static void main(String[] args)
long length = 60085147514l;
BigArray<String> array = new BigArray<>(length, String.class);
array.put("peace be upon you", 1);
array.put("yes it worj", 1755);
String text = array.get(1755);
System.out.println(text + " i am a string comming from an array ");
this code is only limited by only Long.MAX_VALUE
and Java heap but you can exceed it as you want (I made it 3800 MB)
i hope this is useful and provide a simple answer