Here is a complete solution.
It uses an Arduino board, with a USB connection, (and Uno for example) to control the relay and combines this with pfod (Protocol for Operation Discovery) which will let you control the board/relay from either the Arduino IDE SerialMonitor, or a terminal window (TeraTerm) or a Java program. The message protocol encloses commands in { }, think simplified html for micros, and provides numerous screens, menus, sliders, text and numeric inputs, etc. A detailed protocol spec is available
See Garage Door Remote for a detailed example, with full Arduino code and an example of controlling the relay from TeraTerm as well as the Arduino IDE SerialMonitor.
There is also an Android app, pfodApp, which will do general purpose control via bluetooth, or wifi/internet with 128 bit security. The pfodApp does all the Android stuff, you only need to code some simple strings in your Arduino code to get any menu system you want. See for numerous examples.