Using the global sequence(state:next:)
Swift 3.0
As one alternative we could make use of one the neat global sequence
functions, a pair of functions that were implemented in Swift 3.0 (as described in evolution proposal SE-0094).
Using the latter of these, we may keep the previous and current state of the Fibonacci numbers sequence as the mutable state
property in the next
closure of sequence(state:next:)
func fibs(through: Int, includingZero useZero: Bool = false)
-> UnfoldSequence<Int, (Int, Int)> {
return sequence(state: useZero ? (1, 0) : (0, 1),
next: { (pair: inout (Int, Int)) -> Int? in
guard pair.1 <= through else { return nil }
defer { pair = (pair.1, pair.0 + pair.1) }
return pair.1
// explicit type annotation of inout parameter closure
// needed due to (current) limitation in Swift's type
// inference
// alternatively, always start from one: drop useZero
// conditional at 'state' initialization
func fibs1(through: Int)
-> UnfoldSequence<Int, (Int, Int)> {
return sequence(state: (0, 1),
next: { (pair: inout (Int, Int)) -> Int? in
guard pair.1 <= through else { return nil }
defer { pair = (pair.1, pair.0 + pair.1) }
return pair.1
Or, condensing this using tuple hacks (however executing next
one extra, unnecessary, time)
func fibs(through: Int, includingZero useZero: Bool = false) -> UnfoldSequence<Int, (Int, Int)> {
return sequence(state: useZero ? (1, 0) : (0, 1), next: {
($0.1 <= through ? $0.1 : Optional<Int>.none, $0 = ($0.1, $0.0 + $0.1)).0 })
func fibs1(through: Int) -> UnfoldSequence<Int, (Int, Int)> {
return sequence(state: (0, 1), next: {
($0.1 <= through ? $0.1 : Optional<Int>.none, $0 = ($0.1, $0.0 + $0.1)).0 })
Note that we explicitly terminate the sequences with a nil
return when the ... <= through
condition is no longer met.
Example usage:
// fib numbers up through 50, excluding 0
fibs(through: 50).forEach { print($0) }
// 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
// ... or
fibs1(through: 50).forEach { print($0) }
// 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
// ... including 0
fibs(through: 50, includingZero: true).forEach { print($0) }
// 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
// project Euler #2: sum of even fib numbers up to 4000000
print(fibs(through: 4_000_000)
.reduce(0) { $1 % 2 == 0 ? $0 + $1 : $0 }) // 4 613 732
We could also remove the termination criteria from above to construct an infinite sequence of fibonacci numbers, to be used in combination e.g. with prefix
func infFibs() -> UnfoldSequence<Int, (Int, Int)> {
return sequence(state: (0, 1), next: {
(pair: inout (Int, Int)) -> Int in (pair.1, pair = (pair.1, pair.0 + pair.1)).0 })
// prefix the first 6 fib numbers (excluding 0) from
// the infinite sequence of fib numbers
infFibs().prefix(10).forEach { print($0) }
// 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
Swift 3.1
When Swift 3.1 arrives, the prefix(while:)
method for sequences, as described in evolution proposal SE-0045, will have been implemented. Using this additional feature, we can modify the fibs
methods above to avoid the explicit by-nil
conditional sequence termination:
func fibs(through: Int, startingFromZero useZero: Bool = false)
-> AnySequence<Int> {
return sequence(state: useZero ? (1, 0) : (0, 1),
next: { (pair: inout (Int, Int)) -> Int? in
defer { pair = (pair.1, pair.0 + pair.1) }
return pair.1
}).prefix(while: { $0 <= through })
// alternatively, always start from one: drop useZero
// conditional at 'state' initialization
func fibs1(through: Int) -> AnySequence<Int> {
return sequence(state: (0, 1),
next: { (pair: inout (Int, Int)) -> Int? in
defer { pair = (pair.1, pair.0 + pair.1) }
return pair.1
}).prefix(while: { $0 <= through })
Examples should work the same as for Swift 3.0 above.