I am really finding the django formsets confusing.
I am especially having problems with the following concepts which I don't really understand:
The formset is smart enough to ignore extra forms that were not changed.
Talking about code trying to be too smart. What is this supposed to mean exactly ? Why would I even want that ?
Then, trying to understand the previous concept, I see people
making forms in the formsets required.
This is another concept I can't get the hang of. What is a required form in a formset and why do I have to make a form required ? Again something not documented.
Then coming to my actual problem, which other people seem to have had, but they can't really explain why they've fixed it the way they've fixed it.
Why in the following example, the formset is valid, while an individual form with the same input will be invalid ?
import django
class MyForm(django.forms.Form):
start = django.forms.DateField()
end = django.forms.DateField()
data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '',
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
'form-0-start': '',
'form-0-end': '',
MyFormSet = formset_factory(MyForm)
formset = MyFormSet(data)
#fee_forms[0].empty_permitted = False
print formset.is_valid()
# --- returns True ---
print formset.errors
f = MyForm({'start': '', 'end': ''})
print f.is_valid()
# --- returns False ---
print f.errors
Setting empty_permitted to False seems to give the expected results for me (which is for the formset to be invalid due to missing 'start' and 'end'). This is another undocumented feature ...
Would anybody spare some time to explain ?
Thank you