I calculated a model using OLS (multiple linear regression). I divided my data to train and test (half each), and then I would like to predict values for the 2nd half of the labels.
model = OLS(labels[:half], data[:half])
predictions = model.predict(data[half:])
The problem is that I get and error: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/statsmodels-0.5.0-py2.7-linux-i686.egg/statsmodels/regression/linear_model.py", line 281, in predict return np.dot(exog, params) ValueError: matrices are not aligned
I have the following array shapes: data.shape: (426, 215) labels.shape: (426,)
If I transpose the input to model.predict, I do get a result but with a shape of (426,213), so I suppose its wrong as well (I expect one vector of 213 numbers as label predictions):
Any idea how to get it to work?