I am currently writing a KDTree for a physics engine (Hobby project).
The KDTree does not contain points. Instead it contains Axis Aligned bounding boxes which bound the different objects in the environment.
My problem is deciding on how to split the KDTree nodes when they get full. I am trying 2 methods:
Method1: Always split the node exactly in half on the biggest axis.
- This has the advantage of a pretty evenly spaced out tree.
- Big disadvantage: If objects are concentrated in small area of the node, redundant sub-divisions will be created. This is because all volumes are split exactly in half.
Method2: Find the area of the node which contains objects. Split the node on the plane which splits that area in half on it's biggest axis. Example - If all objects are concentrated on the bottom of the node then it split length-wise thereby dividing the bottom in two.
- This solves the problem with the method above
- When indexing something that exists on the same plane (terrain for example), it creates long and narrow nodes. If I am to add some other objects later which are not on the same plane, these elongated nodes provide very poor indexing.
So what I'm looking for here is a better way to split my KD-Tree node. Considering that this is going to be a physics engine the decision needs to be simple enough to be made in real time.