i'm just using pdftk, but i guess u can use the shuffle option. if you have notblank.pdf with n pages (n is a little big), create a file blank.pdf with 1 blank page (size could be controlled with PhotoShop or PowerPoint), then the batch file (say n=10)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "str="
for /l %%n in (1,1,10) do (set "str=!str! A" )
pdftk A=blank.pdf cat %str% output blank10.pdf
pdftk A=notblank.pdf B=blank10.pdf shuffle A B output blanknot.pdf
basically does the job. it first use the 1-page blank.pdf to create a 10-page blank10.pdf, then shuffle with the original notblank.pdf
i found that using the multistamp command gives rise to a simpler solution. say we now have the original n-page notblank.pdf and a 1-page blank.pdf (make sure that the background is indeed WHITE instead of transparent), then the following commands will suffice
pdftk notblank.pdf multistamp blank.pdf output stamped.pdf
pdftk A=notblank.pdf B=stamped.pdf shuffle A B output zebra.pdf
there's also a blank page at the end of the output file zebra.pdf, which is easy to get rid of by
pdftk A=zebra.pdf cat A1-r2 output zebra1.pdf
then the last blank page is removed. the output file is roughly twice larger in size, though.
i'm new to pdftk and this is my first post. pls correct me if i'm doing anything stupid.
convert xc:none -page A4 blank.pdf
with imagemagick – Goldsmith