I'm building a .Net 4.0 application for remote control of a scanner device. I have tried both TWAIN and WIA libraries, but I have the same problem. Scanning images without scanner selection and scanning settings dialogs.
I found a useful article on WIA scripting in .Net, and modified it to this:
private Image Scan(string deviceName)
WiaClass wiaManager = null; // WIA manager COM object
CollectionClass wiaDevs = null; // WIA devices collection COM object
ItemClass wiaRoot = null; // WIA root device COM object
CollectionClass wiaPics = null; // WIA collection COM object
ItemClass wiaItem = null; // WIA image COM object
// create COM instance of WIA manager
wiaManager = new WiaClass();
// call Wia.Devices to get all devices
wiaDevs = wiaManager.Devices as CollectionClass;
if ((wiaDevs == null) || (wiaDevs.Count == 0))
throw new Exception("No WIA devices found!");
object device = null;
foreach (IWiaDeviceInfo currentDevice in wiaManager.Devices)
if (currentDevice.Name == deviceName)
device = currentDevice;
if (device == null)
throw new Exception
"Device with name \"" +
deviceName +
"\" could not be found."
// select device
wiaRoot = (ItemClass)wiaManager.Create(ref device);
// something went wrong
if (wiaRoot == null)
throw new Exception
"Could not initialize device \"" +
deviceName + "\"."
wiaPics = wiaRoot.GetItemsFromUI
) as CollectionClass;
if (wiaPics == null || wiaPics.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Could not scan image.");
Image image = null;
// enumerate all the pictures the user selected
foreach (object wiaObj in wiaPics)
if (image == null)
wiaItem = (ItemClass)Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType
wiaObj, typeof(ItemClass)
// create temporary file for image
string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
// transfer picture to our temporary file
wiaItem.Transfer(tempFile, false);
// create Image instance from file
image = Image.FromFile(tempFile);
// release enumerated COM object
if (image == null)
throw new Exception("Error reading scanned image.");
return image;
// release WIA image COM object
if (wiaItem != null)
// release WIA collection COM object
if (wiaPics != null)
// release WIA root device COM object
if (wiaRoot != null)
// release WIA devices collection COM object
if (wiaDevs != null)
// release WIA manager COM object
if (wiaManager != null)
With this I actually managed to select the device from configuration (input parameter of the Scan method) and retrieve the resulting image after scan.
But the problem with scanning options dialog (Scan using DEVICENAME). As this is a remote control application, dialog will not be visible to the user, so I need to either skip it using default settings, or use settings from a configuration if necessary.
Scanning options dialog:
might be the root of your problem? – SwainwiaRoot.Children
? – MaskerwiaRoot.Children
? – Begone