After playing with F# agents I tried to do a map reduce using them.
The basic structure I use is:
- map supervisor which queues up all the work to do in its state and receives work request from map workers
- reduce supervisor does the same thing as map supervisor for reduce work
- a bunch of map and reduce workers that map and reduce, if one fails its work it sends it back to the respective supervisr to be reprocessed.
The questions I wonder about is:
- does this make any sense compared to a more traditional (yet very nice) map reduce like ( that uses PSeq ?
- the way I implemented the map and reduce workers seems ugly is there a better way ?
- it seems like I can create a 1000 000 map workers and 1000 0000 reduce workers lol, how should I choose these numbers, the more the better ?
Thanks a lot,
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
//This is the response the supervisor
//gives to the worker request for work
type 'work SupervisorResponse =
| Work of 'work //a piece of work
| NoWork//no work left to do
//This is the message to the supervisor
type 'work WorkMsg =
| ToDo of 'work //piles up work in the Supervisor queue
| WorkReq of AsyncReplyChannel<SupervisorResponse<'work>> //'
//The supervisor agent can be interacted with
type AgentOperation =
| Stop //stop the agent
| Status //yield the current status of supervisor
type 'work SupervisorMsg =
| WorkRel of 'work WorkMsg
| Operation of AgentOperation
//Supervises Map and Reduce workers
module AgentSupervisor=
let getNew (name:string) =
new Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>(fun inbox -> //'
let rec loop state = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| WorkRel(m) ->
match m with
| ToDo(work) ->
let newState = work:state
return! loop newState
| WorkReq(replyChannel) ->
match state with
| [] ->
return! loop []
| [item] ->
return! loop []
| (item::remaining) ->
return! loop remaining
| Operation(op) ->
match op with
| Status ->
Console.WriteLine(name+" current Work Queue "+
string (state.Length))
return! loop state
| Stop ->
Console.WriteLine("Stoppped SuperVisor Agent "+name)
loop [] )
let stop (agent:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>) = agent.Post(Operation(Stop))
let status (agent:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>) =agent.Post(Operation(Status))
//Code for the workers
type 'success WorkOutcome =
| Success of 'success
| Fail
type WorkerMsg =
| Start
| Stop
| Continue
module AgentWorker =
type WorkerSupervisors<'reduce,'work> =
{ Map:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>> ; Reduce:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'reduce>> }
let stop (agent:Agent<WorkerMsg>) = agent.Post(Stop)
let start (agent:Agent<WorkerMsg>) = agent.Start()
let getNewMapWorker( map, supervisors:WorkerSupervisors<'reduce,'work> ) =
new Agent<WorkerMsg>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop ()
| Continue ->
let! supervisorOrder =
fun replyChannel ->
match supervisorOrder with
| Work(work) ->
let! res = map work
match res with
| Success(toReduce) ->
| Fail ->
Console.WriteLine("Map Fail")
| NoWork ->
return! loop ()
| Stop ->
Console.WriteLine("Map worker stopped")
return ()
loop () )
let getNewReduceWorker(reduce,reduceSupervisor:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>)=//'
new Agent<WorkerMsg>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop()
| Continue ->
let! supervisorOrder =
reduceSupervisor.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel ->
match supervisorOrder with
| Work(work) ->
let! res = reduce work
match res with
| Success(toReduce) -> inbox.Post(Continue)
| Fail ->
| NoWork -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop()
|Stop ->Console.WriteLine("Reduce worker stopped"); return ()
loop() )
open AgentWorker
type MapReduce<'work,'reduce>( numberMap:int ,
numberReduce: int,
toProcess:'work list,
map:'work->Async<'reduce WorkOutcome>,
reduce:'reduce-> Async<unit WorkOutcome>) =
let mapSupervisor= AgentSupervisor.getNew("MapSupervisor")
let reduceSupervisor = AgentSupervisor.getNew("ReduceSupervisor")
let workerSupervisors = {Map = mapSupervisor ; Reduce = reduceSupervisor }
let mapWorkers =
[for i in 1..numberMap ->
AgentWorker.getNewMapWorker(map,workerSupervisors) ]
let reduceWorkers =
[for i in 1..numberReduce ->
AgentWorker.getNewReduceWorker(reduce,workerSupervisors.Reduce) ]
member this.Start() =
//Post work to do
|>List.iter(fun elem -> mapSupervisor.Post( WorkRel(ToDo(elem))))
//Start supervisors
//start workers
List.iter( fun mapper -> mapper |>start) mapWorkers
List.iter( fun reducer ->reducer|>start) reduceWorkers
member this.Status() = (mapSupervisor|>AgentSupervisor.status)
member this.Stop() =
List.map2(fun mapper reducer ->
mapper |>stop; reducer|>stop) mapWorkers reduceWorkers
//Run some tests
let map = function (n:int64) -> async{ return Success(n) }
let reduce = function (toto: int64) -> async{ return Success() }
let mp = MapReduce<int64,int64>( 1,1,[for i in 1L..1000000L->i],map,reduce)
, I think that this is actually a pretty well established type abbreviation (e.g. see…). – Carbrey