Silly question. Given a date in a datetime and I know it's tuesday for instance how do i know its tue=2 and mon=1 etc...
Silly question. Given a date in a datetime and I know it's tuesday for instance how do i know its tue=2 and mon=1 etc...
You are looking for the DayOfWeek property.
Then, as Dan suggests in the comment below, just look at the integer value of the enum to get the day as integer:
int d = (int)System.DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek
Magallanes if you want to find out the name of the day, you can do this as follows:
DayOfWeek is an Enum. To get the integer instead of the string representation you can cast it
int i = (int)d.DayOfWeek
Yes DateTime has DayOfWeek() method.
I use:
int day = (int)System.DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;
string dayoftheweek;
In the public partial class Form :
System.Windows.Forms.Form class
(For a c# winforms application)
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime (txtMaxDate.Value); /*Store date in dt */
int day = dt.Day; /*Get date as (01-01-2019 then it will give 01 as day)*/
DayOfWeek today = new DateTime().DayOfWeek;
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