It pretty much boils down to this: do you have a backup of that file (.git/objects/2d/ddc84156fa30e4614a7ea5a1895885011b8db8) anywhere? If you can find it, copy it back to your git repository and everything will be good again. In other words, do you know if the repository has been cloned? If it has, you will find that file in the clone's git folder and copy it to yours. If you have not cloned the repository, have you zipped it up somewhere? If you're on a mac, have you checked Time machine? If you're not on a mac, are you using something to backup your code?
It basically boils down to this: You need a backup of that file. Git is designed so that when this happens, you just use the backup (which is a clone of the repository) to restore the file. That said, the file name is based on an SHA1 hash, so if you can find that filename in anyone else's repository, chances are pretty good that you can use it in your own :)
It is usually good practice to always clone your repositories to another location, for safe keeping in case something like this happens. This is also why services like github and bitbucket are so popular.
You also probably want to look at this question: How to recover Git objects damaged by hard disk failure?