I am using the following Nearest Neighbor Query in PostGIS :
SELECT g1.gid g2.gid FROM points as g1, polygons g2
WHERE g1.gid <> g2.gid
ORDER BY g1.gid, ST_Distance(g1.the_geom,g2.the_geom)
Now, that I have created indexes on the_geom as well as gid column on both the tables, this query is taking much more time than other spatial queries involving spatial joins b/w two tables.
Is there any better way to find K-nearest neighbors? I am using PostGIS.
And, another query which is taking a unusually long time despite creating indexes on geometry column is:
select g1.gid , g2.gid from polygons as g1 , polygons as g2
where st_area(g1.the_geom) > st_area(g2.the_geom) ;
I believe, these queries arent benefited by gist indexes, but why?
Whereas this query:
select a.polyid , sum(length(b.the_geom)) from polygon as a , roads as b
where st_intersects(a.the_geom , b.the_geom);
returns result after some time despite involving "roads" table which is much bigger than polygons or points table and also involve more complex spatial operators.
? That way we maybe could know what is going on there. – Garden