I am using Play Framework 2.0.1. I have created a Java application using the "play new" command. By default, two views are created: index.scala.html and main.scala.html
I've done a few sample tutorial apps that allow me to render those views. However, when I add a new view (by default in app/views/), I get a compilation error that it cannot be found:
public static Result getAllCars() {
List<Car> cars = Car.getAllCars();
return ok(simpleCarView.render(cars));
I can do
import views.html.index;
import views.html.main;
but not
import views.html.simpleCarView;
Error in console:
cannot find symbol
[error] symbol : variable simpleCarView
[error] location: class controllers.Application
I've tried adding scala.html views in the file directory and from within eclipse, but for some reason they are not found. I've also tried restarting the default Netty server.
Any ideas on what is causing this?