Hello angular friends,
I'm working on an angular2 app (multiple actually). And I live in the Netherlands.
Currently I'm formatting my currency with the following:
{{someIntegerWithCentsToBeDivided / 100 | currency:'EUR':true:'1.0-2'}}
This displays something like 500 to be Eurosign 5 and 501 to be Eurosign 5.01.
Now we dutchies really like comma's the other way around so does anyone know how to change the . to a ,?
Bonus points if someone knows how to show 5,- optionally when there is no cents. My thoughts now would be to extend the CurrencyPipe
is your browser using? Checknavigator.language
in the JS console. – KerbyCurrencyPipe
relies on Intl that's still not supported by some browsers like Safari and older IE versions. – Kerby