When I program in python, I find using pylint very useful. However, when I program in R, there is nothing comparable.
As a small side project, I thought it would be fun to try and write a small lint program. Nothing too fancy, something along the lines of:
- Making sure function names are camel case
- Average function length
- Detecting unused variables
- Spacing. For example,
function(x=1, y=2)
instead offunction(x=1,y=2)
However, I'm unsure of how to get started (I have started to look through the pylint soure code).
How should I get started? Are there standard programming techniques for this type of project? Any good resources that I should consider?
I would like to write the entire project in R.
package. I learnt alot, but didn't make any serious progress. Hopefully this summer...... – Demoniac