calculate row sum and product in data.frame
Asked Answered



I would like to append a columns to my data.frame in R that contain row sums and products Consider following data frame

x    y     z
1    2     3
2    3     4
5    1     2

I want to get the following

x    y     z    sum    prod
1    2     3    6       6  
2    3     4    9       24 
5    1     2    8       10

I have tried

 sum = apply(ages,1,add)

but it gives me a row vector. Can some one please show me an efficient command to sum and product and append them to original data frame as shown above?

Integrity answered 24/11, 2014 at 10:49 Comment(0)


 transform(df, sum=rowSums(df), prod=x*y*z)
 #  x y z sum prod
 #1 1 2 3   6    6
 #2 2 3 4   9   24
 #3 5 1 2   8   10


 transform(df, sum=rowSums(df), prod=Reduce(`*`, df))
 #   x y z sum prod
 #1 1 2 3   6    6
 #2 2 3 4   9   24
 #3 5 1 2   8   10

Another option would be to use rowProds from matrixStats

 transform(df, sum=rowSums(df), prod=rowProds(as.matrix(df)))

If you are using apply

 df[,c('sum', 'prod')] <-  t(apply(df, 1, FUN=function(x) c(sum(x), prod(x))))
 #  x y z sum prod
 #1 1 2 3   6    6
 #2 2 3 4   9   24
 #3 5 1 2   8   10
Playroom answered 24/11, 2014 at 10:51 Comment(2)
Can you please advise me what Reduce(`*`, df) does?Integrity
@Khurram Majeed It is similar to Reduce(*,as.list(df)). As data.frame is a list, you don't need to use as.list. it multiplies each element in the correspoinding positions i.e. 1st row, 2nd row, etc.Playroom

Another approach.


# Create data
dt <- data.table(x = c(1,2,5), y = c(2,3,1), z = c(3,4,2))

# Create index
dt[, i := .I]

# Compute sum and prod
dt[, sum := sum(x, y, z), by = i]
dt[, prod := prod(x, y, z), by = i]

# Compute sum and prod using .SD
dt[, c("sum", "prod") := NULL]
dt[, sum := sum(.SD), by = i, .SDcols = c("x", "y", "z")]
dt[, prod := prod(.SD), by = i, .SDcols = c("x", "y", "z")]

# Compute sum and prod using .SD and list
dt[, c("sum", "prod") := NULL]
dt[, c("sum", "prod") := list(sum(.SD), prod(.SD)), by = i,
   .SDcols = c("x", "y", "z")]

# Compute sum and prod using .SD and lapply
dt[, c("sum", "prod") := NULL]
dt[, c("sum", "prod") := lapply(list(sum, prod),, .SD), by = i,
   .SDcols = c("x", "y", "z")]
Hexosan answered 24/11, 2014 at 10:57 Comment(6)
You should demonstrate how to use lapply in conjunction with .SD and .SDcols.Aruabea
@Roland, don't think there is a need in lapply or .SDcols here, he should have just done something like setDT(df)[, ":="(sum = rowSums(.SD), prod = Reduce("*", .SD))]Fabien
I have added solution with .SD. I do not see how lapply could help here.Hexosan
@Roland, I have added lapply solution. Could be useful in some cases but I am considering it to be ugly.Hexosan
Why would I need to create an index in your first approach?Timbuktu
@Chrissl, because without index you will get sum and product of all rows and columns. This is not what is needed here.Hexosan

Following can also be done but column names need to be entered:

ddf$sum = with(ddf, x+y+z)
ddf$prod = with(ddf, x*y*z)
  x y z sum prod
1 1 2 3   6    6
2 2 3 4   9   24
3 5 1 2   8   10

With data.table, another form can be:

cbind(dt, dt[,list(sum=x+y+z, product=x*y*z),])
   x y z sum product
1: 1 2 3   6       6
2: 2 3 4   9      24
3: 5 1 2   8      10

A simpler version is suggested by @David Arenberg in comments:

dt[, ":="(sum = x+y+z, product = x*y*z)]
Francophobe answered 24/11, 2014 at 11:45 Comment(2)
I wonder if you could just assign by reference instead of using cbind... Something like dt[, ":="(sum = x+y+z, product = x*y*z)] maybe?Fabien
I was not aware of this simpler version.Francophobe

Only a partial answer, but if all values are greater than or equal to 0, rowSums/rowsum can be used to calculate products:

df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 5), y = c(2, 3, 1), z = c(3, 4, 2))

# custom row-product-function
my_rowprod <- function(x) exp(rowSums(log(x)))

df$prod <- my_rowprod(df)

The generic version is (including negatives):

my_rowprod_2 <- function(x) {
  sign <- ifelse((rowSums(x < 0) %% 2) == 1, -1, 1)
  prod <- exp(rowSums(log(abs(x)))) * sign
df$prod <- my_rowprod_2(df)
Osher answered 25/7, 2018 at 12:44 Comment(0)

Here is a quick way to do it using base R.

# create your example data frame
df <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,5), y=c(2,3,1), z=c(3,4,1))

# add the sum column
df$sum <- apply(df, MARGIN = 1, sum)

# add the product column (don't include the sum column from the last operation)
df$prod <- apply(df[,-4], MARGIN = 1, prod)

# print result to console

  x y z sum prod
1 1 2 3   6    6
2 2 3 4   9   24
3 5 1 1   7    5
Anteroom answered 29/3, 2024 at 0:53 Comment(0)

With base R, you can use Reduce like below

            c(sum = `+`, prod = `*`),
            \(op) Reduce(op, df)

which gives

  x y z sum prod
1 1 2 3   6    6
2 2 3 4   9   24
3 5 1 2   8   10


df <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 5), y = c(2, 3, 1), z = c(3, 4, 2))
Hydatid answered 29/3, 2024 at 9:14 Comment(0)

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