I'm using the northwind database to refresh my SQL skills by creating some more or less complex queries. Unfortunately I could not find a solution for my last use case: "Get the sum of the five greatest orders for every category in year 1997."
The tables involved are:
Orders(OrderId, OrderDate)
Order Details(OrderId, ProductId, Quantity, UnitPrice)
Products(ProductId, CategoryId)
Categories(CategoryId, CategoryName)
I have tried the following query
SELECT c.CategoryName, SUM(
(SELECT TOP 5 od2.UnitPrice*od2.Quantity
FROM [Order Details] od2, Products p2
WHERE od2.ProductID = p2.ProductID
AND c.CategoryID = p2.CategoryID
FROM [Order Details] od, Products p, Categories c, Orders o
WHERE od.ProductID = p. ProductID
AND p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID
AND od.OrderID = o.OrderID
AND YEAR(o.OrderDate) = 1997
GROUP BY c.CategoryName
Well... It turned out that subqueries are not allowed in aggregate functions. I've read other posts about this issue but could not find a solution for my specific use case. Hope you can help me out...
WHERE c.categoryID = p2.CategoryID
- that should filter for one category only. – Pulpboard