I want to display a time series chart with C3.js
using a date in the format 2015-09-17 18:20:34
and the format string '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
but it fails to parse.
My code:
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart',
data: {
x: 'times',
columns: [
['times','2015-09-17 18:20:34','2015-09-17 18:25:42','2015-09-17 18:30:48'],
axis: {
x: {
type: 'timeseries',
tick: {
format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
And I get the following error:
02:26:44.889 Failed to parse x '2015-09-17 18:20:34' to Date object c3.min.js:1:21943
02:26:44.889 Failed to parse x '2015-09-17 18:25:42' to Date object c3.min.js:1:21943
02:26:44.890 Failed to parse x '2015-09-17 18:30:48' to Date object c3.min.js:1:21943
02:26:44.890 Failed to parse x '2015-09-17 18:20:34' to Date object c3.min.js:1:21943
02:26:44.891 Failed to parse x '2015-09-17 18:25:42' to Date object c3.min.js:1:21943
02:26:44.892 Failed to parse x '2015-09-17 18:30:48' to Date object c3.min.js:1:21943
It works if I omit the time in the data and in the format but I need the time, too.